Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 10:19 pm
Public urged to be calm over flu
Bird flu has spread from South East Asia to Europe
People should not panic after the discovery of a deadly form of avian flu among birds in Turkey, the UK government has said.
The Department of Health stressed its advice on who should be vaccinated against flu was unchanged.
It said vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and some children, to have the seasonal flu jab as normal.
EU veterinary officers are holding an emergency meeting in Brussels to discuss measures to contain bird flu.
People in the UK with weak immune systems, such as children with asthma or diabetes, have long been advised to have an annual jab to protect them against flu.
I don't think, at this stage, the public should feel they are under a different threat than before
Dr David Salisbury, Head of Immunisation at the Department of Health
Flu drug resistance found
Since the H5N1 strain of bird flu, which has killed 60 people in South East Asia, was confirmed in birds in Turkey on Thursday, concern has risen about the UK's plans to contain any outbreak here.
News of the outbreak in north-west Turkey came after avian flu was also confirmed in ducks in Romania. The EU said those cases were assumed to be the same strain.
Samples of the dead birds were sent from Turkey and Romania to the UK for laboratory analysis.
Turkiye'de bas gosteren kus gribi ile ilgili olarak AB ve BM 'lerin almis oldugu son karara gore Turkiye'den kanatli hayvanlarin yurt disina cikmalari kesinlikle yasaklanmis olup bu karar neticesinde fenerbahce'nin sampiyonlar ligi maclari iptal edilmistir.
Febenin ve akabinde bulasici veya tasiyici olma risklerine yonelik febelilerin itlaf edilmelerine yonelik karar bakanlar kurulu gundemine alinmistir...
Bu arada tarim ve koyisleri bakanligi yetkilileri dereagzi kadikoyun bir bolumu ve samandira yerleskelerinin karantinaya alindigini belirttiler.
Adini aciklamayan bir yetkili " Allahtan dar ve kucuk bir cografya bu nedenle karantina olumlu sonuc verecek" seklinde aciklamada bulundu.
Bu e-mail internette dolasiyor
Neyse sakasi bir yana Allah bu mubarek gunlerde memleketimizin basina daha buyuk bela vermesin (kus gribinden bahsediyorum)
Basbakan bu aksam orucunu tavuk yiyerek acti.Bana cayda radyasyon madrasyon yok kardesim diyerek TVlerin karsisinda cay icen sanayi ve ticaret bakani Cahit Aral geldi.Karadenizde Cernobilden sonra cok kisi kanserden oldu.Hala da olmeye devam ediyor.Ama Radyasyonlu cay icmekten korkmayan ve AIDS'e karsi hamsi yiyerek korundugunu soyleyen insanlarin ulkesi Turkiyemde hersey cooooook normal.Bu da gelir bu da gecer.
Dun bana sirkette bir arkadasim (universite mezunu 2 dil bilir kendisi) 'abi bu bence buyuk bas hayvan ureticlerinin komplosu , amac tavuk ureticilerini bitirmek ' dedi.
Public urged to be calm over flu
Bird flu has spread from South East Asia to Europe
People should not panic after the discovery of a deadly form of avian flu among birds in Turkey, the UK government has said.
The Department of Health stressed its advice on who should be vaccinated against flu was unchanged.
It said vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and some children, to have the seasonal flu jab as normal.
EU veterinary officers are holding an emergency meeting in Brussels to discuss measures to contain bird flu.
People in the UK with weak immune systems, such as children with asthma or diabetes, have long been advised to have an annual jab to protect them against flu.
I don't think, at this stage, the public should feel they are under a different threat than before
Dr David Salisbury, Head of Immunisation at the Department of Health
Flu drug resistance found
Since the H5N1 strain of bird flu, which has killed 60 people in South East Asia, was confirmed in birds in Turkey on Thursday, concern has risen about the UK's plans to contain any outbreak here.
News of the outbreak in north-west Turkey came after avian flu was also confirmed in ducks in Romania. The EU said those cases were assumed to be the same strain.
Samples of the dead birds were sent from Turkey and Romania to the UK for laboratory analysis.
Turkiye'de bas gosteren kus gribi ile ilgili olarak AB ve BM 'lerin almis oldugu son karara gore Turkiye'den kanatli hayvanlarin yurt disina cikmalari kesinlikle yasaklanmis olup bu karar neticesinde fenerbahce'nin sampiyonlar ligi maclari iptal edilmistir.
Febenin ve akabinde bulasici veya tasiyici olma risklerine yonelik febelilerin itlaf edilmelerine yonelik karar bakanlar kurulu gundemine alinmistir...
Bu arada tarim ve koyisleri bakanligi yetkilileri dereagzi kadikoyun bir bolumu ve samandira yerleskelerinin karantinaya alindigini belirttiler.
Adini aciklamayan bir yetkili " Allahtan dar ve kucuk bir cografya bu nedenle karantina olumlu sonuc verecek" seklinde aciklamada bulundu.
Bu e-mail internette dolasiyor

Neyse sakasi bir yana Allah bu mubarek gunlerde memleketimizin basina daha buyuk bela vermesin (kus gribinden bahsediyorum)
Basbakan bu aksam orucunu tavuk yiyerek acti.Bana cayda radyasyon madrasyon yok kardesim diyerek TVlerin karsisinda cay icen sanayi ve ticaret bakani Cahit Aral geldi.Karadenizde Cernobilden sonra cok kisi kanserden oldu.Hala da olmeye devam ediyor.Ama Radyasyonlu cay icmekten korkmayan ve AIDS'e karsi hamsi yiyerek korundugunu soyleyen insanlarin ulkesi Turkiyemde hersey cooooook normal.Bu da gelir bu da gecer.
Dun bana sirkette bir arkadasim (universite mezunu 2 dil bilir kendisi) 'abi bu bence buyuk bas hayvan ureticlerinin komplosu , amac tavuk ureticilerini bitirmek ' dedi.