Gilberto ile Roportaj

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Selcuk Samli
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Gilberto ile Roportaj

Post by Selcuk Samli »

“Champions” dergisinin Arsenal’li Gilberto ile yaptigi roportajdan ilginc bolumler:

C:You were bought as a foil for Patrick Viera,to relieve the defensive burden so he could exploit his attacking game.Since his departure,has your role in the team changed?

Gilberto:Not really,my role is pretty much the same,but I do have more responsibility and that’s something I like.I play alongside Cesc Fabregas now,who’s young and always wants to go forward.When Patrick was here ,I had more chances to go forward because he would always stay back and cover for me.Now I don’t allow myself to do that because sometimes Cesc will go at the same time,but he’s young and that’s normal.When you’re young you want to do everything.Cesc’s very disciplined ,it’s just that he’s always looking for runs to help the strikers.I’m more concerned with protecting the defence and covering him.Just doing my job.

C:So has your importance to the team multiplied?

Gilberto:I’m the oldest midfielder here now and it’s my responsibility to help the younger ones.I talk to them throughout the game ,helping them get the right ball or get into the right position,though it doesn’t always work!One of my strengths is consistency –not necessarily always the best on the pitch-and I always work for the team and cover positions.I have to drive the team forward and push the players around me,particularly when things haven’t gone right for them and they might be feeling down or if they’ve tried something and it hasn’t come off.I have to give them confidence to try again.

C:You were virtually ever present during Arsenal’s great unbeaten run.Did the team’s attitude alter during that time?

Gilberto:We just played like we always do:positively.There was never a time when we suddenly believed we’d go the whole season without losing.Our attitude or play never changed.The atmosphere in the dressing room here is unbelievable.And that’s not easy to get you know,with so many different players.But we’re all responsible in our individual jobs,we know how important that is for the team,and that made the unbeaten run possible.

C:Results weren’t the only great thing about the run,it was your style of play.How important is it for you to play entertaining football?

Gilberto:It’s special the way we play here.I come from the defensive school –and the Brazilian school-but we play fantastic football at Highbury.When I first came here I thought it would take time to adapt,but once I saw the players at the club I knew I wouldn’t have a problem.And everyone helped me on and off the pitch.

C:Who plays better football,Arsenal or Brazil?

Gilberto:You can’t compare them,but they have the same philosophy to entertain.Brazil like to play football,football,football…It’s the same at Highbury,though sometimes we have to fight to win,in a positive way.But we like to show our best on the pitch.

C:You extended your contract at Arsenal until 2009,but you must have had other offers-you’re a World Cup winner.Why did you choose to stay?

Gilberto:It was an easy decision.We’re improving,I believe we can still win lots of trophies,particularly the Champions League,which is the only one missin.I am very happy here.I don’t want to leave and see no reason to leave.As a team we have a lot of work to do and the desire to do it.When you have that it doesn’t make sense to leave.
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